Crooked Tree
There are beautiful new subdivisions popping up all over SE Michigan. Often with new construction, the home buyer will get a gorgeous new home on a completely blank lot. Ventures can turn that blank slate into the property of your dreams.
This Ventures project wraps around three sides of the home. The front porch has two steps with limestone coping and under-step lighting. The steps lead down to the beautiful patio and walking path, laid in a modular pattern with border accent inlay. Landscaping beds are placed on either side of the walking path and patio to soften the stonework. Boxwood hedges and catmint are planted in the front of the house for classic appeal. The walking path continues around the side of the house, leading to the stunning back patio. The ground level features a fire pit with Adirondack chairs and an outdoor kitchen. The kitchen’s grill, storage, and refrigerator are built into the L-shaped bar with granite countertops. Another set of steps with the same limestone coping leads up to the raised porch. An attached pergola extends off the back of the house, shading the gorgeous inset spa. Stone veneer walls surround the spa, porch, and support columns for the pergola. The landscaping transitions to a more decorative blend of roses and ornamental grasses at the back of the house, with the boxwood hedges carrying through to create a seamless transition.
Are you moving into a newly constructed home? Hire Ventures to make the property as show-stopping as the house.